Ashley Sullins

About Me

Hi. I'm Ashley. Nice to meet ya.

I've spent the last four years working at tech startups in the Kansas City area, doing everything from operations to project management to quality assurance testing. During that time, I've been fortunate to work with talented engineers who inspired me to learn more about software development. I desired more time to focus on my education, which led me to Portland, where I studied Javascript and Android development at Epicodus in the fall of 2015.

I have been working on a Django application with a focus on front-end web development at a marketing startup in Overland Park, Kansas, since January 2016.

I love working on small teams with passionate people who want to create great software. If that sounds like your team, feel free to contact me.

Technical Skills


  • HTML5 - Advanced
  • CSS3 - Advanced
  • Git and Command Line - Intermediate
  • Django - Proficient
  • Python - Proficient
  • Javascript/jQuery - Beginner

Quality Assurance

  • Selenium Automation - Proficient
  • Manual Testing - Advanced
Project Management
Quality Assurance
Software Development


Jacobs, O'Hara and McMullen

Description: This is a marketing site for a group of lawyers practicing in New Orleans and Houston.

My contribution: I implemented the style for the site using Django, HTML and CSS. It is fluid responsive and SEO-optimized.

Designed by Daniel Held.

storEDGE Help

Description: This is a help site used to assist clients in learning more about how to use the software built by storEDGE.

My contribution: I implemented the style for the site by customizing a responsive ZenDesk template using CSS and HTML.

Designed by Natasha Gasswint.

Help Queue

Description: This is a help queue that is used when code school students have questions for their instructor during class. A pair of students will submit a question and the teacher will help them on a first come, first serve basis.

My contribution: I pair programmed with Summer Brochtrup to create this site, focusing on the backend JavaScript.

Technologies used: Ember.js, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, and Firebase.

Code Overload

Description: Code Overload is a Stack Overflow-eque website where you can find out all of the answers to your burning questions about coding and people will give you suggestions on how to fix the issue. Questions can be posted and edited by users, and answers can be submitted on each individual question page.

My contribution: This was an individual project to test our knowledge of Ember.

Technologies used: Ember.js, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, and Firebase.

Tour Guide PDX

Description: Tour Guide PDX is an Android app used to assist new visitors to Portland. It highlights the most unique dining, drinking establishments, and attractions in the area.

My contribution: This was an individual project to test our knowledge of how to create an Android application.

Technologies used: Android Studio, Gradle, Java, Parse.


Fun Images

Description: This app will allow you to see images from Flickr based on a keyword you provide. When you shake your phone, it will show a new image based on the same keyword.

My contribution: I pair programmed with Yvonne Peng to create this application to learn how to use data from APIs and the Android system's internal motion detector.

Technologies used: Android Studio, Gradle, Java, Flickr API.


Contact Me